中英双语 | 王毅在纪念联合国成立75周年国际研讨会上的主旨讲话双语全文发表时间:2020-09-18 14:32 9月1日,国务院国务委员王毅在纪念联合国成立75周年国际研讨会上发表题为“坚定捍卫多边主义,维护人类发展进步正确方向”的主旨讲话,以下为讲话中英对照全文↓(图片来源:视觉中国) 坚定捍卫多边主义,维护人类发展进步正确方向 Upholding Multilateralism and Moving in the Right Direction of Human Progress ——在纪念联合国成立75周年国际研讨会上的主旨讲话 – Keynote Speech at the International Seminar on the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations 中华人民共和国国务院国务委员 王毅 Wang Yi, State Councilor and Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China 2020年9月1日,北京 Beijing, 1 September 2020 各位嘉宾: Distinguished participants, 在联合国成立75周年之际,大家围绕“加强多边主义,共创美好未来”的主题进行深入研讨,具有重要意义。谨对研讨会的成功举行表示祝贺,也感谢各位嘉宾的积极参与和贡献。 As we celebrate the 75th anniversary of the United Nations, it is highly relevant to have in-depth discussions under the theme “Strengthening Multilateralism for a Better Future”. I wish to congratulate you on the successful opening of the seminar and thank everyone for your participation and contribution. 联合国建立在两次世界大战的废墟之上,开启了当代世界的零时刻。75年来,全球和平与稳定总体保持,新的世界大战得以避免,不少局部冲突得到控制。以对话谈判消弭分歧,用斡旋调解定纷止争,已经成为世界绝大多数国家的共识。 The UN’s founding after the scourge of two world wars was a watershed moment in the contemporary era. The ensuing three quarters of a century has witnessed overall peace and stability, no new world wars and the mitigation of local conflicts. Most nations have come to realize that differences must be settled through dialogue and conflicts resolved through mediation. 联合国制定的千年发展目标和2030年可持续发展议程,有力推动了全球发展事业,几十亿人口迈上现代化征程,一大批新兴市场和发展中国家走上发展进步的快车道。 The Millennium Development Goals and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development have re-energized the global development agenda. Billions of people are marching toward modernization and a large number of emerging markets and developing countries have moved into the fast lane of development and progress. 在联合国的主持下,通过了《世界人权宣言》、《人权两公约》、《发展权利宣言》等一系列具有里程碑意义的国际人权文书,倡导以和平促人权、以发展促人权、以合作促人权、以公平促人权。全球人权事业不断取得进步。 Under the auspices of the UN, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Declaration on the Right to Development were adopted. These milestone international human rights instruments underscored the importance of peace, development, cooperation and fairness for the promotion of human rights and contributed to the steady progress of the global human rights cause. 回顾历史,我们应该对联合国表达敬意,为联合国点赞!当然,联合国并不是万能钥匙,面对世界人民的期待,依然任重道远。 Looking back at history, you will agree with me that the United Nations deserves respect and a big thumbs-up. That being said, we cannot expect the Organization to be a panacea. It still faces a formidable journey ahead to meet the expectation of we the peoples. 75年来,联合国风雨兼程,砥砺前行。面对下一个75年,我们呼吁国际社会共同行动起来,坚决捍卫多边主义,维护人类发展进步的正确方向,推动联合国事业迈上新的台阶。 Over the past 75 years, the UN has traveled an extraordinary course and forged ahead despite challenges. For the next 75 years, we call on all nations to make concerted efforts to safeguard multilateralism, stand on the right side of development and progress, and bring the work of the UN to a new level. 第一,必须坚持联合国的核心地位。作为最具普遍性、代表性和权威性的政府间国际组织,联合国承载着世界人民对美好未来的向往,具有无可比拟的优势,发挥着不可替代的作用。面对日益复杂严峻的全球性挑战,没有任何一个国家可以独善其身,也没有任何一个国家可以独自应对。多边主义是我们的唯一选择,联合国在国际体系中应该也能够发挥核心作用。世界上的问题很多,也很大,但是只要在联合国的旗帜下,汇聚起磅礴之力,就没有过不去的坎,世界的前途和未来是光明的。 First, the central role of the UN should be upheld. As the most representative and authoritative inter-governmental organization, the UN shoulders the aspirations of the world for a better future. It has unique strengths and plays an irreplaceable role in world affairs. In the face of increasingly complex and serious global challenges, no country can stand aloof or deal with them alone. Multilateralism is the only way forward. The UN should and can play a central role in the international system. The world is fraught with great challenges, but if we rally under the UN flag and pull together, there will be no problem that is too big to solve, and the world will embrace a brighter future. 第二,必须坚持联合国宪章宗旨和原则。宪章是联合国的根本大法,也是当代国际法和国际关系的基石。事实证明,什么时候遵守联合国宪章,世界就比较安宁。什么时候违反联合国宪章,世界就会出乱子。当前全球化遭遇逆风,单边主义甚嚣尘上,霸凌行径大行其道,特别是美国不断“退群”“毁约”,破坏国际法和国际关系基本准则,甚至企图把世界拉回到对抗冲突的冷战时代。这是逆历史潮流而动,注定要遭到失败。世界在发展,但宪章没有过时,需要得到切实遵循。要维护国家主权和领土完整、反对动辄干涉别国内政。要坚持和平解决争端,反对使用武力或以武力相威胁。要遵守国际法规,履行国际义务,反对单边主义和霸凌行径。 Second, the purposes and principles of the UN Charter should be observed. The Charter is the linchpin of the UN and the cornerstone of contemporary international law and international relations. Past experience shows that adherence to the Charter brings tranquility while violation of it is a recipe for turbulence. At the moment, the world is suffering headwinds against globalization and the rise of unilateralism and bullying. The United States, in particular, has walked out of a number of international organizations and agreements, undermined international law and the basic norms of international relations, and attempted to return the world to Cold War confrontation and conflict. This attempt to turn back the clock of history is doomed to fail. The world is evolving, but the UN Charter is not outdated and must be faithfully observed. It is important to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity and oppose interference in internal affairs. We must seek peaceful settlements to disputes and oppose the threat or use of force. We must abide by international laws and rules, fulfill international obligations and reject unilateralism and bullying. 第三,必须坚持和平发展。维护世界和平、促进共同发展是联合国的崇高使命,也是联合国的主责主业。要充分发挥联合国及其安理会在止战维和方面的重要作用,摒弃冷战思维,推动对话协商,寻求政治解决。联合国要在落实2030可持续发展议程和应对气候变化方面继续发挥领导作用,推进可持续发展目标“行动十年”计划和巴黎协定的落实,帮助会员国实现创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的新发展模式。要向发展中国家提供支持和帮助,缓解疫情对发展中国家的影响,推动发展中国家尽早实现减贫目标。 Third, peace and development should be pursued. Safeguarding world peace and promoting common development is the sacred mission and bounden duty of the UN. We should bring to bear the instrumental role of the UN and its Security Council in ending violence and maintaining peace, reject Cold War mentality and seek political settlement through dialogue and consultation. The UN should continue to play a lead role in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and addressing climate change, advance the Decade of Action of the Sustainable Development Goals and the implementation of the Paris Agreement, and reinforce Member States’ efforts to achieve innovative, coordinated, green, open and inclusive development. More support and assistance should be given to developing countries to help them mitigate the impact of COVID-19 and eradicate extreme poverty as early as possible. 第四,必须坚持合作共赢。要把合作共赢作为普遍适用的原则,树立双赢、多赢、共赢的新理念,摒弃你输我赢、赢者通吃的旧思维。个别国家企图垄断发展权利,讹诈其他国家的发展成果,打压发展中国家的发展空间。这同联合国精神背道而驰,也根本行不通。联合国应该更加民主,更加有效,更加包容,成为大小国家一律平等、不同文明交流互鉴、不同制度国家携手合作的大舞台,而不是国家冲突对抗、大国零和博弈的角斗场。 Fourth, win-win cooperation should be advocated. We need to take win-win cooperation as a universal principle and seek cooperation that delivers benefits to all. The outdated zero-sum mentality and winner-takes-all approach in state-to-state relations should be abandoned. Some countries sought to monopolize the right to development. They attempt to rip off the development achievements of other countries, and squeeze the development space of developing countries. These moves which contravene the very spirit embodied by the UN will lead nowhere. The UN should be more democratic, effective and inclusive, where countries, regardless of their size, system and culture, work together and learn from one another as equals. It should not be turned into a wrestling ground between countries, especially between the major ones, in a zero-sum game or confrontation. 第五,必须坚持推动构建人类命运共同体。2015年,习近平主席在联合国成立70周年纪念峰会上阐述了构建人类命运共同体的重大主张,得到国际社会广泛响应。构建人类命运共同体,联合国义不容辞。要推动各方切实树立共同体意识,团结合作、守望相助,携手应对各种风险挑战。要在国际和区域层面建设全球伙伴关系,共同建设持久和平、普遍安全、共同繁荣、开放包容、清洁美丽的世界。 Fifth, the vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind should be promoted. At the summit meetings commemorating the 70th anniversary of the UN in 2015, President Xi Jinping expounded on China’s proposition on building a community with a shared future for mankind, which resonated well with other members of the international community. To forge this community, the UN has an irreplaceable role to play. It should instill the sense that we all live in the same community and therefore should work together in solidarity and look out for one another in tackling risks and challenges. It should promote partnerships at the regional and global levels and envision a common goal of building an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security and common prosperity. 当前,百年变局叠加全球疫情,给人类社会带来了全方位冲击。这场疫情再次证明,各国休戚与共,命运紧密相连。我们必须作出抉择:要团结不要分裂,要合作不要对立;要共担责任不要诿过他人。人类终将战胜疫情。疫情会改变世界,但和平与发展的时代主题不会改变,合作共赢的大趋势不会逆转,历史进步的潮流不可阻挡! The global pandemic of COVID-19 has compounded the once-in-a-century changes unfolding in our world. It has affected every aspect of our life and reminds us once again that the wellbeing and future of all countries are interconnected. It is time we make a choice: choose solidarity over division, cooperation over confrontation, and sharing responsibilities over deflecting them to others. Ultimately, humanity will prevail over the virus. The world may be changed because of the pandemic. Yet, peace and development are still the order of the day; cooperation and mutual benefit will remain the irreversible trend; and history will march forward despite all setbacks. 各位嘉宾, Distinguished guests, 作为最大的发展中国家和安理会常任理事国,中国积极践行联合国的崇高理想,不断促进人类和平与发展的伟大事业。 As the world’s largest developing country and a permanent member of the UN Security Council, China embraces the lofty ideals of the UN by contributing to humanity’s cause of peace and development. ——中国始终做世界和平的建设者。新中国成立以来,我们从未主动挑起过一场战争,从未侵占过别人的一寸土地。中国将坚持和平发展写入宪法,不搞侵略扩张,不谋求势力范围。中国对自己的发展道路充满自豪与自信,同时尊重各国人民自主选择的发展模式,不搞意识形态对抗,不对外输出制度。我们致力于借鉴人类文明的一切成果,在和平共处五项原则基础上同所有国家发展友好合作。中国从不挑事,也绝不怕事,坚定维护国家主权和民族尊严,坚定维护自身正当权益,坚定维护国际公平正义。 – China has been a promoter of world peace. Since the founding of the People’s Republic, China has never provoked a war or occupied an inch of others’ land. We have codified our commitment to peaceful development into China’s Constitution. We have never engaged in any invasion, territorial expansion or sought any sphere of influence. China takes pride and has full confidence in its own development path, but we also respect the development paths of other countries and have no interest in ideological confrontation or exporting our system to others. We want to learn from all the fine achievements of human civilization and develop friendship and cooperation with all countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence. China does not provoke trouble, but we will not flinch in the face of provocations. We will defend China’s sovereignty and dignity, uphold China’s legitimate rights and interests, and safeguard international fairness and justice. ——中国始终做全球发展的贡献者。改革开放40多年来,中国解决了14亿人的温饱问题,今年将实现现行标准下农村贫困人口全部脱贫,全面建成小康社会,这圆了中华民族几千年的梦想,也是对人类发展事业作出的伟大贡献。中国将继续奉行互利共赢的开放战略,同世界各国分享发展机遇。中国改革的脚步不会停下来,中国的大门只会越开越大。我们将利用好本土疫情防控取得的重大战略成果和率先复工复产的契机,致力于发展更高水平的开放型世界经济,加快形成以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局。世界大工厂和世界大市场将助力全球经济复苏,给各国发展带来新的机遇。 – China has been a contributor to global development. Thanks to more than forty years of reform and opening-up, China has met the basic needs of the 1.4 billion Chinese people. By the end of this year, we will have lifted all rural population living under the current poverty line out of poverty and completed the building of a moderately prosperous society. This is a long-cherished dream coming true for the Chinese nation and a major contribution to human development. China will continue to pursue a win-win strategy of opening-up and share development opportunities with the rest of the world. We will not relent in our pursuit of reform and will open still wider to the rest of the world. China’s effective COVID-19 response and head start in business reopening presents us with a good opportunity to promote an open economy at a higher level globally and foster a new dual-cycle development architecture at home, with the domestic cycle as the mainstay and with domestic and international development reinforcing each other. As a manufacturing powerhouse and a major market, China will contribute to the recovery of the global economy and bring new development opportunities to the rest of the world. ——中国始终做国际秩序的维护者。中国是联合国的发起者,是第一个在联合国宪章上签字的国家。我们坚定维护以联合国为核心的全球治理体系,坚定维护以联合国宪章宗旨和原则为基石的国际关系基本准则,坚定维护联合国权威和地位,坚定维护联合国在国际事务中的核心作用。中国加入了几乎所有国际条约和协议,忠实履行国际义务,严格恪守国际承诺。 – China has been a defender of the international order. China is one of the founding nations of the UN and the first country to put its signature on the UN Charter. China is firmly committed to safeguarding the UN-centered global governance system, the basic norms of international relations underpinned by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, and the authority and stature of the UN. We must firmly uphold the central role of the UN in international affairs. China joined nearly all international treaties and agreements, and has faithfully fulfilled its international obligations and strictly honored its international commitments. ——中国始终做公共产品的提供者。中国过去、现在和将来都承担与自身国力相适应的国际责任。我们长期向广大发展中国家提供了力所能及的援助,助力发展中国家实现自主和可持续发展。习近平主席提出的共建“一带一路”倡议,已经成为最受欢迎的国际公共产品和最大规模的国际合作平台。中国支持联合国事业,是联合国第二大会费国与维和摊款国、安理会常任理事国中最大的维和行动出兵国。我们积极推进国际抗疫合作,开展了新中国历史上最大规模的全球人道行动,向150多个国家和国际组织提供了抗疫援助,并有力保障了全球抗疫物资的生产和供应。中国疫苗研发完成并投入使用后,将作为全球公共产品,为实现疫苗在发展中国家的可及性和可担负性做出中国贡献,我们将说到做到。 – China has been a provider of public goods. China has and will continue to shoulder international responsibilities commensurate with its capabilities. China has done what it can to help other developing countries pursue independent and sustainable development. The Belt and Road Initiative proposed by President Xi has evolved into the world’s most popular public good and biggest cooperation platform. China supports the work of the UN. It is now the second largest contributor to the UN’s regular budget and peacekeeping assessment, and the largest contributor of peacekeepers among P5 countries. To promote international cooperation against COVID-19, China has launched the biggest global humanitarian operation in its history. It has provided assistance to over 150 countries and international organizations and ensured stable global production and supply of anti-epidemic materials. COVID-19 vaccine development and deployment in China, when available, will be made a global public good. This will be China’s contribution to ensuring vaccine accessibility and affordability in developing countries. We will honor this commitment with concrete actions. 5年前,习近平主席在联合国成立70周年系列峰会上,宣布了支持联合国事业的一系列重大倡议和举措,目前均已得到落实。 Five years ago, President Xi announced a host of major initiatives in support of the work of the UN at the summit meetings commemorating the 70th anniversary of its founding. All these initiatives have been delivered on the ground. ——中国8000人规模维和待命部队和300人规模常备维和警队在联合国完成注册,已有6支维和待命分队晋升为三级待命部队。中国已成为联合国维和待命部队中数量最多、分队种类最齐全的国家。 China has registered a standby force of 8,000 troops and a police squad of 300 troops for UN peacekeeping missions, and elevated six of its standby contingents to Level Three in the UN Peacekeeping Capability Readiness System. As such, China now has the biggest standby force and most varieties of contingents among all UN member states. ——中国—联合国和平与发展基金开展了80多个项目,使用资金规模6770万美元,为联合国维和、反恐、能源、农业、基建、教育等领域工作提供支持。 The China-UN Peace and Development Fund has provided a total funding of US$67.7 million to over 80 projects. These projects have facilitated the UN’s efforts in different areas like peacekeeping, counter-terrorism, energy, agriculture, infrastructure and education. ——中国为发展中国家提供180个减贫项目、118个农业合作项目、178个促贸援助项目、103个生态保护和应对气候变化项目、134所医院和诊所、123所学校和职业培训中心。南南合作援助基金在30多个发展中国家实施80余个项目,为全球可持续发展注入动力。 China has assisted other developing countries with 180 poverty reduction projects, 118 agricultural cooperation projects, 178 trade facilitation projects, 103 projects on ecological conservation and climate change, 134 hospitals and clinics and 123 educational and vocational training institutes. The South-South Cooperation Assistance Fund has supported over 80 projects in more than 30 developing countries, injecting impetus for global sustainable development. ——中国向联合国妇女署捐款1000万美元,成为捐款最多的发展中国家。我们完成133个“妇幼健康工程”,邀请3万多名发展中国家妇女来华培训,为世界妇女事业作出重要贡献。 China has donated US$10 million to UN Women, making it the largest contributor among developing countries. China has completed 133 health projects for women and children and invited over 30,000 women from developing countries for training programs. By doing so, China has made important contribution to women’s development in the world. 在新形势下,中国将继续履行大国责任,展现大国担当,做出大国贡献,提供更多全球公共产品,为世界和平与发展事业添砖加瓦。让我们携手努力,坚持和弘扬多边主义,共同推动联合国重整行装再出发,朝着构建人类命运共同体的伟大目标奋勇前行! In the new context, China will continue to shoulder its responsibilities and make its contribution as a major country, provide more global public goods and play its part to promote world peace and development. Let us work together to uphold and carry forward multilateralism, renew the commitments of the UN, and strive toward the great goal of building a community with a shared future for mankind. 谢谢大家。 Thank you. 来源:外交部官网 共建美好明天 请大家继续关注成都翻译协会, 我们一定会把更多更好的国际化学术、文化等交流活动带给大家! 成都翻译协会 全中国最用心的翻译协会 中国AAAAA级社会组织 全国优秀十佳社团 全国先进社会科学团体 中外优秀文化交流社科普及基地 中国翻译协会单位会员 成都社科界“先进学会” 成都翻译协会欢迎你 |